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Saturday, December 1, 2012

7 Habits of Highly Successful Bloggers

highly-successful-bloggers“Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and make them happen.”
It’s true. Some people are dreamers, and others are action tackers.
It’s true that we’re all different, but there are certain habits we can incorporate into our daily lives that can help us become better. …become better people, better readers, better writers and in this case, better bloggers.
Below are seven (7) habits that highly successful bloggers have incorporated into their lives and their work online. Take a look and see how many of these you can start incorporating into yours.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Bloggers

1. Understand The Needs of the Market
Bloggers have a higher chance of creating a successful website when they’re in tune with the needs of the people they are trying to serve. Remember that we are in the business of solving problems (and making money, too) – But, in order to make the money we want to make, we need to figure out how to make other people’s lives better.
The fastest way to get there is by understanding your market’s fears and frustrations, and creating content that helps them alleviate that pain.
2. Proofread Their Content
Successful bloggers take their content creation process seriously. They don’t like publishing crappy articles for the sake of adding content to their site.
They understand that there are real people reading the words they write. They understand that NOT proofreading their content could mean the difference between a home run piece of work, and just another post.
Think about that…
3. They Read… A Lot
Reading sparks ideas. Reading gets your mind going. If you’re stuck on what to write about next, I recommend grabbing anything to read:
  • a fiction novel
  • an industry blog
  • a celebrity gossip magazine
  • this blog :0)
Grab something and start reading.
4. Focus on Goals & Objectives
Successful bloggers focus on goals and objectives. They don’t linger with things that don’t matter much, like:
  • how many friends they have on Facebook
  • how many followers they have on Twitter
  • whether or not they should use pop ups
Successful bloggers make decisions quickly based on their goals. They don’t dwell on their past failures, and they keep moving forward no matter what.
5. Write For People… Not Search Engines
Search engines are important. I understand that. I get over 7,000 visits per month from Google alone and I love it. But the reason I’m getting these visits is not because of some secret SEO technique  or special plugin. The reason those visits are coming in is simply because I wrote those articles for human beings.
I wrote content that people could easily understand and consume. There’s no need to stuff your articles with keywords anymore. That kind of behavior is frowned upon. So write for people; you’ll get way better results that way.
6. Keep Track of Stats
Successful bloggers keep track of their statistics. They know what to look for and which statistics matter.
They try to figure out why a certain post got hundreds of retweets, while another post only received a few. They’re focused on the stats they can read and gather valuable information from, so that they can try to recreate that success.
7. But Don’t Obsess Over Stats
Obsessing over stats is also a bad habit and successful bloggers don’t do it. Once they’ve gathered the information they need, they move on to the next task on their list.
They understand that staring at their Google Analytics account is a waste of time – and very addictive.

What Success Habits Do You Have?

share them below… and then share this post with someone you think might benefit.

Love to hear what you think!


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